About You:

Frontman/Frontwoman: I am the frontwoman; I wear all of the creative hats!

Location: Brooklyn, New York

Mornings or evenings: Mornings

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

Your happy place: Floating on a lake in Maine or getting lost in a city I don’t know.

About Brand:

Name comes from: COG: It happens to be the first 3 letters of my last name but coincidentally is the word that means “integral part”. COG objects are deeply rooted in materials that work complimentary together; fiber, metals, and polymer clay. Each playing an integral part in form + function.

Why you started: I began not with the intention of building a line, but purely out of creative curiosity. I have had a long career as a graphic designer/art director but have always been interested in textiles and sculpture both as adornment and objects of art. COG has been a creative adventure turned commercial brand.

Where you are heading: Although my focus has been adornment for the body, I have also been working on large scale pieces for home. Hand woven tapestries as well as macramé inspired wall hangings are in production

Explain to your grandma what you do: I use my hands and materials to make fiber based jewelry and objects that adorn humans and their homes

About Life:

Bored if: I am not creating or solving a creative problem.

Feel like dancing if: Jazz is playing

Hungry for: Learning, travel and good pasta (not necessarily in that order)

Excited when: …I have a moment when an idea clicks and becomes a reality and then resonates with someone else.

Quote: “He who seeks beauty will find it.” ― Bill Cunningham




Seasonal INC