Dawn intimates

About You:

Frontman/Frontwoman: Alana Mayer

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Mornings or evenings: mornings :)

Chocolate or Vanille: vanilla

Your happy place: the beach and ocean always puts my world in perspective

About Brand:

Name comes from: setting the intention for a new beginning, a new Dawn, a new way of offering + creating

Inspired by: interconnectivity of all things + a homecoming to our true nature, an obsession with naturally beautiful materials

Why you started: I needed sustainable undies that weren’t just made from cotton (very extractive to the earth + lots of pesticides), bamboo (tons of chemicals to break down/ make it into a soft material) or plastic. Lots of other companies said they used natural materials but also produced their goods cheaply and all contained large amounts of plastic via elastic in the fabric and waistbands still. Everything down to our elastic bands is all safely biodegradable :)

Where you are heading: more collaborative events highlighting female/non-binary creatives in our community, bralettes, maternity bras, unisex styles

Explain to your grandma what you do: undies made to honor your story + return to mother nature responsibly

About Life:

Bored if: never ever

Feel like dancing if: anytime a nostalgic song comes on

Hungry for: knowledge, time, cozy dinner parties, beach days

Excited when: I get to highlight someone else’s amazing work or connect friends with one another for projects and they make something fantastic together

Quote: “imagine we could be the ones to change it all” -Paolo Carzana


Coco moka

